Product Code: 59
Product Price : Rs. - as on 14 April 2013
After being provoked by Kalia a ferocious Rhinoceros chases him and his friends Dholu and Bholu into Dholakpur and starts wrecking havoc in the peaceful village. When Jaggu warns Bheem and his friends about this dangerous animal Bheem steps in to save the people. The brave and intelligent Bheem knew that he cannot fight the Rhinoceros with brute strength and devices a clever plan to put an end to this reign of chaos once and for all.
After being provoked by Kalia a ferocious Rhinoceros chases him and his friends Dholu and Bholu into Dholakpur and starts wrecking havoc in the peaceful village. When Jaggu warns Bheem and his friends about this dangerous animal Bheem steps in to save the people. The brave and intelligent Bheem knew that he cannot fight the Rhinoceros with brute strength and devices a clever plan to put an end to this reign of chaos once and for all.
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