Mee Mee - Tricycle

Mee Mee - Tricycle

₹ 3,295.00

Mee Mee - Tricycle

Product Code: 6361

Product Price : Rs. 3,295.00 as on 14 April 2013

Mee Mee - Tricycle The tricycle has been around for well over a century. While the classics are still around Mee Mee children''s trikes now come in as many shapes colors and sizes as there are riders. Everyone remembers their own trike as a child. It''s a tradition that stands the test of time for a reason: it''s a lot of fun when that new trike shows up. Tricycle is the beginning of your baby boy or girls'' adventures on wheels. Children''s tricycles open the door to independence and mobility equipping your child with the tools they need to learn the cycling basics of steering and pedaling �With removable parent handle �Footrest and rear bucket for storage �Chunky blow-moulded wheels for extra stability �Sturdy tubular frame �Adjustable handlebar height 52cm-56cm �Suitable from 1 years �Some self assembly required �Long back support �Easy grip adjustable/removable telescopic steering handle �Detachable adjustable fashion canopy �Non-slip pedals and soft tread wheels ensure a comfortable ride Note : The product will be delivered in un-assembled form adult assembly required.

Mee Mee - Tricycle The tricycle has been around for well over a century. While the classics are still around Mee Mee children''s trikes now come in as many shapes colors and sizes as there are riders. Everyone remembers their own trike as a child. It''s a tradition that stands the test of time for a reason: it''s a lot of fun when that new trike shows up. Tricycle is the beginning of your baby boy or girls'' adventures on wheels. Children''s tricycles open the door to independence and mobility equipping your child with the tools they need to learn the cycling basics of steering and pedaling �With removable parent handle �Footrest and rear bucket for storage �Chunky blow-moulded wheels for extra stability �Sturdy tubular frame �Adjustable handlebar height 52cm-56cm �Suitable from 1 years �Some self assembly required �Long back support �Easy grip adjustable/removable telescopic steering handle �Detachable adjustable fashion canopy �Non-slip pedals and soft tread wheels ensure a comfortable ride Note : The product will be delivered in un-assembled form adult assembly required.

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Mee Mee - Tricycle Price in India : Rs. 3,295.00