Product Code: 35700
Product Price : Rs. 30.00 as on 14 April 2013
Creatives - Look & Colour Sea Animals This series of 4 "Look and Colour" books is designed to entertain and help your child to learn about a few common animals of the world. For best results guide your child to: color the pictures neatly use bright colors to color the pictures use crayons colored pencisl or felt-tip pens take the finished pictures out and make your own animal book
Creatives - Look & Colour Sea Animals This series of 4 "Look and Colour" books is designed to entertain and help your child to learn about a few common animals of the world. For best results guide your child to: color the pictures neatly use bright colors to color the pictures use crayons colored pencisl or felt-tip pens take the finished pictures out and make your own animal book
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