Product Code: 21343
Product Price : Rs. 2,999.00 as on 14 April 2013
Fisher-Price - Grow With Me 3 in 1 Skateboard� What�s so cool about this skateboard? Three learn-to-skateboard stages for kids as young as 4! Stage 1 beginners start rolling with the removable handle attached and the height-adjustable skateboard deck set low to the ground for extra balance and stability. When they�re ready it�s easy to remove the handle for Stage 2 hands-free skateboarding fun�still with extra stability from the low board. And when they�re ready to �board like a big kid it�s on to Stage 3! Raise the deck to traditional skateboard height for more board action.�Dimension : Length - 60.5cm Weidth - 18.7cm Handle height from ground - 67cm
Fisher-Price - Grow With Me 3 in 1 Skateboard� What�s so cool about this skateboard? Three learn-to-skateboard stages for kids as young as 4! Stage 1 beginners start rolling with the removable handle attached and the height-adjustable skateboard deck set low to the ground for extra balance and stability. When they�re ready it�s easy to remove the handle for Stage 2 hands-free skateboarding fun�still with extra stability from the low board. And when they�re ready to �board like a big kid it�s on to Stage 3! Raise the deck to traditional skateboard height for more board action.�Dimension : Length - 60.5cm Weidth - 18.7cm Handle height from ground - 67cm
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