Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker

Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker

₹ 2,499.00

Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker

Product Code: 21993

Product Price : Rs. 2,499.00 as on 14 April 2013

Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker A cute penguin that helps babies to stand up and take their first steps in complete safety and accompanied by music. When the child grasps the handle and starts to walk the toy starts playing a cheerful tune which then stops as soon as the child stops. This encourages them to keep walking. It is an activity centre to stimulate imagination and help refine the movements with lots of fun toys lights and sound effects. When baby walks it plays a tune When it stops baby plays

Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker A cute penguin that helps babies to stand up and take their first steps in complete safety and accompanied by music. When the child grasps the handle and starts to walk the toy starts playing a cheerful tune which then stops as soon as the child stops. This encourages them to keep walking. It is an activity centre to stimulate imagination and help refine the movements with lots of fun toys lights and sound effects. When baby walks it plays a tune When it stops baby plays

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Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker Price in India : Rs. 2,499.00

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  2. The latest price of Chicco - Penguin Activity Walker was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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