Eyes Of Laura Mars

Eyes Of Laura Mars

₹ 464.00

Eyes Of Laura Mars

Product Code: 105

Product Price : Rs. 464.00 as on 14 April 2013

This riveting tale of murder and suspense stars Fay Dunaway as Laura Mars New York`s most controversial fashion photographer. World renowned for her sensational erotic portraits of models in settings of glorified urban violence Laura Mars exhibits a mystifying psychic ability. In her mind`s eye as if through the lens of her camera she "witnesses" a series of bizarre murders with terrifying clarity. All of the victims are people Laura has known. Police detective John Neville discovers a striking similarity between Laura`s works and classified police photographs of the murders and he attempts to unravel the events which have taken control of Laura`s mind. the film builds to a spine-chilling climax when the eyes of Laura Mars reveal the identity of the killer.

This riveting tale of murder and suspense stars Fay Dunaway as Laura Mars New York`s most controversial fashion photographer. World renowned for her sensational erotic portraits of models in settings of glorified urban violence Laura Mars exhibits a mystifying psychic ability. In her mind`s eye as if through the lens of her camera she "witnesses" a series of bizarre murders with terrifying clarity. All of the victims are people Laura has known. Police detective John Neville discovers a striking similarity between Laura`s works and classified police photographs of the murders and he attempts to unravel the events which have taken control of Laura`s mind. the film builds to a spine-chilling climax when the eyes of Laura Mars reveal the identity of the killer.

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