Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich

₹ 464.00

Being John Malkovich

Product Code: 10718

Product Price : Rs. 464.00 as on 14 April 2013

Ever want to be someone else? Now you can.Craig Schwartz (John Cusack) is a struggling street puppeteer. In order to make some money Craig takes a job as a filing clerk. One day he accidentally discovers a doora portal into the brain of John Malkovich (played by John Malkovich)! For 15 minutes he experiences the ultimate head trip -- HE is being John Malkovich! Then he''s dumped onto the New Jersey turnpike! With his beautiful office mate Maxine (Catherine Keener) and his pet-obsessed wife (Cameron Diaz) they hatch a plan to let others into John''s brain for just $200 a trip. See what all the critics are talking about.

Ever want to be someone else? Now you can.Craig Schwartz (John Cusack) is a struggling street puppeteer. In order to make some money Craig takes a job as a filing clerk. One day he accidentally discovers a doora portal into the brain of John Malkovich (played by John Malkovich)! For 15 minutes he experiences the ultimate head trip -- HE is being John Malkovich! Then he''s dumped onto the New Jersey turnpike! With his beautiful office mate Maxine (Catherine Keener) and his pet-obsessed wife (Cameron Diaz) they hatch a plan to let others into John''s brain for just $200 a trip. See what all the critics are talking about.

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