Product Code: 1985
Product Price : Rs. 134.00 as on 14 April 2013
Sir Balbir Singh the king of Himmatpur lived in a world of his own making. But his daughters Hemlata and Ashalata were desperate to be out of this stifling world. With the entry of young Dr. Sanjay into the palace things became to change his youth and energy won him many admirers. Soon Hemlata and the doctor were in love but this was not acceptable to the king. With the dawn of independence all the princely states one by one acceded to the Republic of India. Himmatpur was no exception. But Sir Balbir Singh continued to live in a world of his own. He was no longer a king but a common citizen. This refusal could only result in a clash. And clash it did.
Sir Balbir Singh the king of Himmatpur lived in a world of his own making. But his daughters Hemlata and Ashalata were desperate to be out of this stifling world. With the entry of young Dr. Sanjay into the palace things became to change his youth and energy won him many admirers. Soon Hemlata and the doctor were in love but this was not acceptable to the king. With the dawn of independence all the princely states one by one acceded to the Republic of India. Himmatpur was no exception. But Sir Balbir Singh continued to live in a world of his own. He was no longer a king but a common citizen. This refusal could only result in a clash. And clash it did.
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