Analyze This

Analyze This

₹ 464.00

Analyze This

Product Code: 15221

Product Price : Rs. 464.00 as on 14 April 2013

New York''s Most Powerful Gangster Is About To Get In Touch With His Feelings. YOU Try Telling Him His 50 Minutes Are Up.Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal team with Lisa Kudrow Chaz Palminteri and director/co-writer Harold Ramis to make you a comedy offer you can''t refuse in this laugh-out-loud mob hit. De Niro deftly spoofing the wiseguy roles that have been a staple of his estimable career plays powerful New York crime family racketeer Paul Vitti. Crystal always one joke ahead of sleeping with the fishes is shrink Ben Sobel who has just days to resolve Vitti''s emotional crisis and turn into a happy well-adjusted gangster. Yes Sobel is a falmily pychiatrist.But surely this isn''t the kind of family he had in mind.

New York''s Most Powerful Gangster Is About To Get In Touch With His Feelings. YOU Try Telling Him His 50 Minutes Are Up.Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal team with Lisa Kudrow Chaz Palminteri and director/co-writer Harold Ramis to make you a comedy offer you can''t refuse in this laugh-out-loud mob hit. De Niro deftly spoofing the wiseguy roles that have been a staple of his estimable career plays powerful New York crime family racketeer Paul Vitti. Crystal always one joke ahead of sleeping with the fishes is shrink Ben Sobel who has just days to resolve Vitti''s emotional crisis and turn into a happy well-adjusted gangster. Yes Sobel is a falmily pychiatrist.But surely this isn''t the kind of family he had in mind.

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