Dance Flick

Dance Flick

₹ 464.00

Dance Flick

Product Code: 10578

Product Price : Rs. 464.00 as on 14 April 2013

Suburban girl Megan gets into a series of misadventures when she moves to the inner-city and pursues dance. A nerdy street boy named Thomas is passionate about street dancing but he is stuck working for a hungry obese gang lord who only loves food. Megan later befriends Thomas'' ghetto sister Charity who has a baby but also poor parenting skills. Charity has her own issues dealing with her dimwitted "baby daddy" who also is a bad parent. Once Megan and Thomas spend more time together they become dance partners and begin to fall in love and start dating.

Suburban girl Megan gets into a series of misadventures when she moves to the inner-city and pursues dance. A nerdy street boy named Thomas is passionate about street dancing but he is stuck working for a hungry obese gang lord who only loves food. Megan later befriends Thomas'' ghetto sister Charity who has a baby but also poor parenting skills. Charity has her own issues dealing with her dimwitted "baby daddy" who also is a bad parent. Once Megan and Thomas spend more time together they become dance partners and begin to fall in love and start dating.

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Dance Flick Price in India : Rs. 464.00

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