Krishna Balram - Vol 3

Krishna Balram - Vol 3

₹ 129.00

Krishna Balram - Vol 3

Product Code: 3605

Product Price : Rs. 129.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Catch Krishna and Balram being tested by none other than Brahma in this volume who is not convinced that Krishna in Vishnu`s avatar. The brothers also fight a giant bird monster sent by Kansa in his ploy to kill Krishna. They fight another demon Durmukh Who Kidnaps the maruts and their golden chariot only to be taught a lesson fittingly. The brothers then teach Vindha and Anuvindha the princes of Avanti how to behave and then go on to cleanse them of their ill feelings and ego.""

""Catch Krishna and Balram being tested by none other than Brahma in this volume who is not convinced that Krishna in Vishnu`s avatar. The brothers also fight a giant bird monster sent by Kansa in his ploy to kill Krishna. They fight another demon Durmukh Who Kidnaps the maruts and their golden chariot only to be taught a lesson fittingly. The brothers then teach Vindha and Anuvindha the princes of Avanti how to behave and then go on to cleanse them of their ill feelings and ego.""

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Krishna Balram - Vol 3 Price in India : Rs. 129.00