Living Free

Living Free

₹ 534.00

Living Free

Product Code: 2205

Product Price : Rs. 534.00 as on 14 April 2013

The heartwarming sequel to Academy Award winner Born FreeThe heartwarming story of three lion cubs struggling to survive in one of natures most treacherous settings is brought to life in Living Free the sequel to Born Free. Set against the spectacular backdrop of East Africa this true adventure continues the story of Joy and George Adamson (Susan Hampshire Nigel Davenport) and Elsa the lioness they once raised and set free.Elsa returns to the Adamsons because she is dying. Joy and George are then faced with a painful decision: should they shelter Elsa`s cubs from the dangers of the African wilds or should they set them free? A touching story of dedication and courage Living Free confronts the dilemma of letting go or holding on to what you love.

The heartwarming sequel to Academy Award winner Born FreeThe heartwarming story of three lion cubs struggling to survive in one of natures most treacherous settings is brought to life in Living Free the sequel to Born Free. Set against the spectacular backdrop of East Africa this true adventure continues the story of Joy and George Adamson (Susan Hampshire Nigel Davenport) and Elsa the lioness they once raised and set free.Elsa returns to the Adamsons because she is dying. Joy and George are then faced with a painful decision: should they shelter Elsa`s cubs from the dangers of the African wilds or should they set them free? A touching story of dedication and courage Living Free confronts the dilemma of letting go or holding on to what you love.

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Living Free Price in India : Rs. 534.00

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