Meet The Parents

Meet The Parents

₹ 1,234.00

Meet The Parents

Product Code: 10870

Product Price : Rs. 1,234.00 as on 14 April 2013

Male nurse Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is poised to propose to his girlfriend Pam (Teri Polo) during a weekend stay at her parents'' home. But here''s the catchhe needs to ask her father first. Alas the fur flies as Jack Byrnes Pam''s cat-crazy ex-CIA father played hysterically by Academy Award winner Robert DeNiro takes an immediate dislike to her less-than truthful beau. Greg''s quest for approval gets seriously sidetracked as Murphy''s Law takes over and a hilarious string of mishaps turns him into a master of disaster and total pariah in the eyes of the entire familyall except for his shell-shocked girlfriend who can''t believe she still loves her one-man wrecking crew.Meet The Parents from the director of Austin Powers is an uproarious blockbuster hit that bombards you with one laugh after another as true love tries to conquer all against all odds.

Male nurse Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is poised to propose to his girlfriend Pam (Teri Polo) during a weekend stay at her parents'' home. But here''s the catchhe needs to ask her father first. Alas the fur flies as Jack Byrnes Pam''s cat-crazy ex-CIA father played hysterically by Academy Award winner Robert DeNiro takes an immediate dislike to her less-than truthful beau. Greg''s quest for approval gets seriously sidetracked as Murphy''s Law takes over and a hilarious string of mishaps turns him into a master of disaster and total pariah in the eyes of the entire familyall except for his shell-shocked girlfriend who can''t believe she still loves her one-man wrecking crew.Meet The Parents from the director of Austin Powers is an uproarious blockbuster hit that bombards you with one laugh after another as true love tries to conquer all against all odds.

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