Naya Din Nayee Raat

Naya Din Nayee Raat

₹ 89.00

Naya Din Nayee Raat

Product Code: 10389

Product Price : Rs. 89.00 as on 14 April 2013

Sushma believes that she is too young to get married but her father Lalla Banarsilal insists and she runs away. Her adventures take her to a lonely wealthy widower with a cute daughter named Guddi; a drunken lout in a brothel; Dr. Kruparam a psychiatrist who admits her in his mental hospital; a dreaded bandit who has killed his tormentor cut him into pieces and fed them to birds and who still on a killing spree; Pandit Gorakhnath who lives a double life - as a priest and as a smuggler; a leper Dhanraj who once was a very wealthy man but is now shunned by everyone; a transvestite stage actor; and a hunter who saves Sushma''s life by shooting dead a man-eating lion. As things spiral out of control for Sushma there is yet one more male she has to meet and it is this meeting that will change her life even more.

Sushma believes that she is too young to get married but her father Lalla Banarsilal insists and she runs away. Her adventures take her to a lonely wealthy widower with a cute daughter named Guddi; a drunken lout in a brothel; Dr. Kruparam a psychiatrist who admits her in his mental hospital; a dreaded bandit who has killed his tormentor cut him into pieces and fed them to birds and who still on a killing spree; Pandit Gorakhnath who lives a double life - as a priest and as a smuggler; a leper Dhanraj who once was a very wealthy man but is now shunned by everyone; a transvestite stage actor; and a hunter who saves Sushma''s life by shooting dead a man-eating lion. As things spiral out of control for Sushma there is yet one more male she has to meet and it is this meeting that will change her life even more.

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