Product Code: 2646
Product Price : Rs. 399.00 as on 14 April 2013
The subject of this episode is Horatio Nelson whose naval career began at the age of 12 and ended with one of the greatest military victories in history. Like so many of historys big names Nelsons achievements have become shrouded in legend and in this programme experts Mark Grove and Peter Warwick extract the man from the myth to reveal what set him apart. Born in 1758 in Norfolk Nelson had always lived by the sea and was desperate to join the Navy from a young age. When his sea-officer uncle was given a new ship Nelson begged to be part of the crew and was made midshipman at the tender age of 12.
The subject of this episode is Horatio Nelson whose naval career began at the age of 12 and ended with one of the greatest military victories in history. Like so many of historys big names Nelsons achievements have become shrouded in legend and in this programme experts Mark Grove and Peter Warwick extract the man from the myth to reveal what set him apart. Born in 1758 in Norfolk Nelson had always lived by the sea and was desperate to join the Navy from a young age. When his sea-officer uncle was given a new ship Nelson begged to be part of the crew and was made midshipman at the tender age of 12.
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