Earring - AJER 45

Earring - AJER 45

₹ 362.00

Earring - AJER 45

Product Code: 25853

Product Price : Rs. 362.00 as on 14 April 2013

""You have always lived with the stars radiant look on the screens at the events and premieres. Now step out adorned in a similar way like leading ladies. You will capture the same attention with the latest trendy traditional and designer collection of Amaira jewellery collection.Pearl And Diamond Set In Gold Plated Bali Jhumki Giving Victorian Look""

""You have always lived with the stars radiant look on the screens at the events and premieres. Now step out adorned in a similar way like leading ladies. You will capture the same attention with the latest trendy traditional and designer collection of Amaira jewellery collection.Pearl And Diamond Set In Gold Plated Bali Jhumki Giving Victorian Look""

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Earring - AJER 45 Price in India : Rs. 362.00

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  2. The latest price of Earring - AJER 45 was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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  5. We are not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  6. Our prices vary regularly. Please keep on checking our site to keep updated of lowest price of Earring - AJER 45.

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