Product Code: 22974
Product Price : Rs. 458.00 as on 14 April 2013
""Its perfect for young ones who are aspiring to be investigators or detectives when they grow up. Tin Adventure series DVD will take you to the thrilling and exciting route of suspense fun and excitement. About Tintin Destination Moon: Tintin''s friend Professor Calculus has been secretly commissioned by the Syldavian government to build a rocket ship that will fly from the Earth to the Moon. Tintin and Captain Haddock agree to join the expedition even though Captain Haddock shows considerable reluctance. Upon arriving in Syldavia they are taken to the Sprodj Atomic Research Centre called simply ""the Centre"" headed by Mr. Baxter. They are escorted by the ""ZEPO"" (Zekrett Politzs) a special security force charged with protecting the Centre from outside threats. While working for Syldavia Calculus is assisted by engineer Frank Wolff who works in the Centre and accompanies Tintin and Haddock around the facility. Prof. Calculus reveals that the Syldavian government invited nuclear physicists from other countries to work at the Centre which was created four years earlier when large uranium deposits were discovered in the area. The Centre is entirely dedicated to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Calculus heads the Centre''s astronautics department since this is his primary area of expertise.While in the Centre they soon come to realize that a foreign power is also interested in the moon landing project. On one particular night spies are parachuted into areas surrounding the facility and the Centre is placed on high alert. The security staff later arrest and interrogate two men dressed in Greek dance costumes but discover they are the detectives Thomson and Thompson whom Tintin instantly recognizes and clears and the pair remains in the Centre. Later Tintin investigates an unguarded ventilation grille- dismissed by security teams as it is at the top of a near-unassailable drop- and surprises someone who is passing information to the spies. However the spies shoot Tintin and escape. The Centre is unable to find what information was passed Tintin guessing that the insider simply made copies of the information he passed on.""
""Its perfect for young ones who are aspiring to be investigators or detectives when they grow up. Tin Adventure series DVD will take you to the thrilling and exciting route of suspense fun and excitement. About Tintin Destination Moon: Tintin''s friend Professor Calculus has been secretly commissioned by the Syldavian government to build a rocket ship that will fly from the Earth to the Moon. Tintin and Captain Haddock agree to join the expedition even though Captain Haddock shows considerable reluctance. Upon arriving in Syldavia they are taken to the Sprodj Atomic Research Centre called simply ""the Centre"" headed by Mr. Baxter. They are escorted by the ""ZEPO"" (Zekrett Politzs) a special security force charged with protecting the Centre from outside threats. While working for Syldavia Calculus is assisted by engineer Frank Wolff who works in the Centre and accompanies Tintin and Haddock around the facility. Prof. Calculus reveals that the Syldavian government invited nuclear physicists from other countries to work at the Centre which was created four years earlier when large uranium deposits were discovered in the area. The Centre is entirely dedicated to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Calculus heads the Centre''s astronautics department since this is his primary area of expertise.While in the Centre they soon come to realize that a foreign power is also interested in the moon landing project. On one particular night spies are parachuted into areas surrounding the facility and the Centre is placed on high alert. The security staff later arrest and interrogate two men dressed in Greek dance costumes but discover they are the detectives Thomson and Thompson whom Tintin instantly recognizes and clears and the pair remains in the Centre. Later Tintin investigates an unguarded ventilation grille- dismissed by security teams as it is at the top of a near-unassailable drop- and surprises someone who is passing information to the spies. However the spies shoot Tintin and escape. The Centre is unable to find what information was passed Tintin guessing that the insider simply made copies of the information he passed on.""
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