Art Mannia Lazer Printed Metal Earrings Combo (FE03)

Art Mannia Lazer Printed Metal Earrings Combo (FE03)

₹ 249.00

Art Mannia Lazer Printed Metal Earrings Combo (FE03)

Product Code: 28342

Product Price : Rs. 249.00 as on 14 April 2013

The big bold jewelry the colorful and daring stones are definitely in. Blended with German Silver and Meenakari work the metals and funky stones will certainly make you look cool and different. Gold and diamonds have taken a back seat. It''s not only the casual stylos who like donning this fashion but the celebrity ladies too are in an awe of it. Well the multi-stranded anklets adjustable silver rings kundan jhumkis and beaded necklaces will give you the vibes of the statement Art Mannia jewelry. Its only about choosing the style and color that will suit the best on you.Product DescriptionGrab this trendy yet classic design of multicolored colored peacock design earring in german silver with enamel work from Art Mannia and be your own style icon to bring out the diva in you.About the Brand:Art Mannia pieces are versatile; you cant just take one quick look. The Originality of the artistic handbeaded designs will make you stare.These collectibles fit the modern and daring womans stylish & fashion mood from classy histication with a bit of an edge to trendy glamour or refined and casual.Note:Due to various types of lightings and flash used while photo shoot the color shade of the product may vary. The brightest shade seen is the closest color of the product.Care for your jewellery:Protect your jewellery from getting in direct contact with perfumes deodrants and sweat.Apply all lotions make up hair spray etc. first before putting on your jewellery.To avoid scratches store in a cloth pouch or in a zip pouch.

The big bold jewelry the colorful and daring stones are definitely in. Blended with German Silver and Meenakari work the metals and funky stones will certainly make you look cool and different. Gold and diamonds have taken a back seat. It''s not only the casual stylos who like donning this fashion but the celebrity ladies too are in an awe of it. Well the multi-stranded anklets adjustable silver rings kundan jhumkis and beaded necklaces will give you the vibes of the statement Art Mannia jewelry. Its only about choosing the style and color that will suit the best on you.Product DescriptionGrab this trendy yet classic design of multicolored colored peacock design earring in german silver with enamel work from Art Mannia and be your own style icon to bring out the diva in you.About the Brand:Art Mannia pieces are versatile; you cant just take one quick look. The Originality of the artistic handbeaded designs will make you stare.These collectibles fit the modern and daring womans stylish & fashion mood from classy histication with a bit of an edge to trendy glamour or refined and casual.Note:Due to various types of lightings and flash used while photo shoot the color shade of the product may vary. The brightest shade seen is the closest color of the product.Care for your jewellery:Protect your jewellery from getting in direct contact with perfumes deodrants and sweat.Apply all lotions make up hair spray etc. first before putting on your jewellery.To avoid scratches store in a cloth pouch or in a zip pouch.

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Art Mannia Lazer Printed Metal Earrings Combo (FE03) Price in India : Rs. 249.00

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