Aztec Square Steel Wall Clock (I0161)

Aztec Square Steel Wall Clock (I0161)

₹ 549.00

Aztec Square Steel Wall Clock (I0161)

Product Code: 26961

Product Price : Rs. 549.00 as on 14 April 2013

Why to keep your walls plain and unfashionable when everything around is getting chic and starry. Celebs trend to adorn their walls works in favor of the fancy and fashionable clocks. Get dedicated to ultra-stylish time with designer and exclusive wall clocks.Wall clock in steel finish with Aztec cravings on the background.Diameter: 25 cmsWeight: 400 gmsMovement: NormalType: Analog

Why to keep your walls plain and unfashionable when everything around is getting chic and starry. Celebs trend to adorn their walls works in favor of the fancy and fashionable clocks. Get dedicated to ultra-stylish time with designer and exclusive wall clocks.Wall clock in steel finish with Aztec cravings on the background.Diameter: 25 cmsWeight: 400 gmsMovement: NormalType: Analog

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Aztec Square Steel Wall Clock (I0161) Price in India : Rs. 549.00

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  2. The latest price of Aztec Square Steel Wall Clock (I0161) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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