Vendee Paisley shaped Crystal Necklace Set (3960)

Vendee Paisley shaped Crystal Necklace Set (3960)

₹ 713.00

Vendee Paisley shaped Crystal Necklace Set (3960)

Product Code: 28881

Product Price : Rs. 713.00 as on 14 April 2013

You really have to be a bit of diva to adorn these. More is More definitely…these days. Bold and interesting jewelry is the trend to shine with. Here come the eddy beads crystal jewelry designer necklaces and enamel bangles for that ‘makeover. Australian diamonds Kundan enamel work vintage bangles and antique gold plated bracelets and necklaces to wear with anything and everything. Choose these wedding engagement and regular wear jewelry in tune with todays trends and color scheme that can accessorize your apparels well.Product OverviewBe the centre of attraction wearing this elegant paisley design necklace set with delicate crystal work. Accompanied by matching pair of grand gold earrings.Metal : Alloy.Main Stone : Austrian diamonds Crystal stone.Color : Brown.Dimensions : L-10 Inches W-1.9 Inches.Weight : 53gm.Warranty : 1 year for gold plating Comes with Authenticity Certificate.

You really have to be a bit of diva to adorn these. More is More definitely…these days. Bold and interesting jewelry is the trend to shine with. Here come the eddy beads crystal jewelry designer necklaces and enamel bangles for that ‘makeover. Australian diamonds Kundan enamel work vintage bangles and antique gold plated bracelets and necklaces to wear with anything and everything. Choose these wedding engagement and regular wear jewelry in tune with todays trends and color scheme that can accessorize your apparels well.Product OverviewBe the centre of attraction wearing this elegant paisley design necklace set with delicate crystal work. Accompanied by matching pair of grand gold earrings.Metal : Alloy.Main Stone : Austrian diamonds Crystal stone.Color : Brown.Dimensions : L-10 Inches W-1.9 Inches.Weight : 53gm.Warranty : 1 year for gold plating Comes with Authenticity Certificate.

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Vendee Paisley shaped Crystal Necklace Set (3960) Price in India : Rs. 713.00

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