W for Women - Kurta (53351)

W for Women - Kurta (53351)

₹ 924.00

W for Women - Kurta (53351)

Product Code: 8598

Product Price : Rs. 924.00 as on 14 April 2013

Girls! Now its easy to replicate the divas look. Long Kurtis with high slit has become a rage from the Bollywood movie ''Bodyguard''. Kareena has carried them well with heavy oxidized jewellery and Patiala. Time to seek some inspiration from Kareena. After all she is a fashion icon.Be it a college or a friends party this bright colored Pink Kurti will charm up your look wherever you go.

Girls! Now its easy to replicate the divas look. Long Kurtis with high slit has become a rage from the Bollywood movie ''Bodyguard''. Kareena has carried them well with heavy oxidized jewellery and Patiala. Time to seek some inspiration from Kareena. After all she is a fashion icon.Be it a college or a friends party this bright colored Pink Kurti will charm up your look wherever you go.

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W for Women - Kurta (53351) Price in India : Rs. 924.00

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  2. The latest price of W for Women - Kurta (53351) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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