Batman Begins

Batman Begins

₹ 62.00

Batman Begins

Product Code: 8846

Product Price : Rs. 62.00 as on 14 April 2013

As a boy a young Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain in front of his eyes a trauma which led him to become obsessed with revenge but his chance is cruelly taken away from him by fate. After disappearing to the East where he seeks counsel with the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader known as Ra`s Al-Ghul he returns to his now decaying Gotham City overrun by organized crime and dangerous individuals manipulating the system whilst the company he inherited is slowly being pulled out from under him. The discovery of a cave under his mansion and a prototype armored suit leads him to take on a new persona one which will strike fear into the hearts of men who do wrong - he becomes Batman. In the new guise and with the help of rising cop Jim Gordon Batman sets out to take down the various nefarious schemes in motion by individuals such as mafia don Falcone the twisted doctor/drug dealer Jonathan `The Scarecrow` Crane and a mysterious third party that is quite familiar with Wayne and waiting to strike when the time is right.

As a boy a young Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain in front of his eyes a trauma which led him to become obsessed with revenge but his chance is cruelly taken away from him by fate. After disappearing to the East where he seeks counsel with the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader known as Ra`s Al-Ghul he returns to his now decaying Gotham City overrun by organized crime and dangerous individuals manipulating the system whilst the company he inherited is slowly being pulled out from under him. The discovery of a cave under his mansion and a prototype armored suit leads him to take on a new persona one which will strike fear into the hearts of men who do wrong - he becomes Batman. In the new guise and with the help of rising cop Jim Gordon Batman sets out to take down the various nefarious schemes in motion by individuals such as mafia don Falcone the twisted doctor/drug dealer Jonathan `The Scarecrow` Crane and a mysterious third party that is quite familiar with Wayne and waiting to strike when the time is right.

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