Sahiba Brown Chandari Semi Stitched Kurtis

Sahiba Brown Chandari Semi Stitched Kurtis

₹ 929.00

Sahiba Brown Chandari Semi Stitched Kurtis

Product Code: 35304

Product Price : Rs. 929.00 as on 14 April 2013

Bollywood traditional beauties have a great impact on Indian woman''s fashion and Kurtis are no exception. Try the girl next door appearance in some Bollywood inspired designer Kurtis from Sahiba. Just get the unstitched fabric modified for a beautiful and successful outfit. Vibrant and quirky colors in Chanderi cotton and chiffon will be surely a ''hot summer fun'' for you girls.Get Funky look with this beautiful Kurti. The yoke is decked up with pleating pattern and fancy cotton lace. A grant open pattern with button and loops contrast color cord piping. The color play of the yarns is very vibrant with a touch of Zari yarn. Nice collar pattern is created for the neckline to give a fancy look.

Bollywood traditional beauties have a great impact on Indian woman''s fashion and Kurtis are no exception. Try the girl next door appearance in some Bollywood inspired designer Kurtis from Sahiba. Just get the unstitched fabric modified for a beautiful and successful outfit. Vibrant and quirky colors in Chanderi cotton and chiffon will be surely a ''hot summer fun'' for you girls.Get Funky look with this beautiful Kurti. The yoke is decked up with pleating pattern and fancy cotton lace. A grant open pattern with button and loops contrast color cord piping. The color play of the yarns is very vibrant with a touch of Zari yarn. Nice collar pattern is created for the neckline to give a fancy look.

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Sahiba Brown Chandari Semi Stitched Kurtis Price in India : Rs. 929.00

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