Pareena Unstitched Dress Material (717)

Pareena Unstitched Dress Material (717)

₹ 1,609.00

Pareena Unstitched Dress Material (717)

Product Code: 36120

Product Price : Rs. 1,609.00 as on 14 April 2013

Bollywood divas look gorgeous with the vintage appeal and richness of traditional salwar suits. Their amazing collection and custom maid suits reflect a regal charm at their glamorous occasions. Salwar suits and churidar suits are always in vogue and exude beauty and elegance. An array of handwork prints patches colors and designs on our attractive collection of salwar suits will surely catch your fancy. There is an added advantage of custom stitching which will ensure you get the perfect fit and look beautiful and ethnic. Our range of fabric is designed keeping in mind the latest trend and is sure to suit any occasion.Beautiful unstitched dress material by "Pareena". You can get it stitched as you love it. Vibrant color varities & color combination makes it attractive & eyecatching still preserves the beauty and simplicity of your looks.

Bollywood divas look gorgeous with the vintage appeal and richness of traditional salwar suits. Their amazing collection and custom maid suits reflect a regal charm at their glamorous occasions. Salwar suits and churidar suits are always in vogue and exude beauty and elegance. An array of handwork prints patches colors and designs on our attractive collection of salwar suits will surely catch your fancy. There is an added advantage of custom stitching which will ensure you get the perfect fit and look beautiful and ethnic. Our range of fabric is designed keeping in mind the latest trend and is sure to suit any occasion.Beautiful unstitched dress material by "Pareena". You can get it stitched as you love it. Vibrant color varities & color combination makes it attractive & eyecatching still preserves the beauty and simplicity of your looks.

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Pareena Unstitched Dress Material (717) Price in India : Rs. 1,609.00

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  2. The latest price of Pareena Unstitched Dress Material (717) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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