Product Code: 29840
Product Price : Rs. 249.00 as on 14 April 2013
The surprizes and the romantic gifts that the Bollywood love-birdsshare with each other makes you star-struck.Isn''t it? This Valentinecertify your love in a special way with Valentine romantic messagesand love certificates. Use the photoframes and wall-hangings to createa loving tribute to your partners. The sweet and personalized messagescaptured in the beautiful frames and momentos will remain the mostprecious and heartiest gesture for your better half. Bare-your-heartmessages with stylish templates would surely play the Cupid thisValentine. So start sending your inner feelings and declare your lovethrough these Valentine certificates.Create a magnificent loving memento for display. Our heartwarming personalized Love Certificates framed in long lasting and beautiful wall hangable frame to adore the walls of your home. For an impressive and memorable touch we personalize each certificate with your and your partners names.This elegant certificate in wall hanging frame measures a full 8� tall X 12� wide X � inch deep. The frame is made of sturdy fiber material with a glass protection in front for lifelong memory.To personalise this product please email the names of TO and FROM to [email protected]. Do not forget to mention your order no. in the subject line.
The surprizes and the romantic gifts that the Bollywood love-birdsshare with each other makes you star-struck.Isn''t it? This Valentinecertify your love in a special way with Valentine romantic messagesand love certificates. Use the photoframes and wall-hangings to createa loving tribute to your partners. The sweet and personalized messagescaptured in the beautiful frames and momentos will remain the mostprecious and heartiest gesture for your better half. Bare-your-heartmessages with stylish templates would surely play the Cupid thisValentine. So start sending your inner feelings and declare your lovethrough these Valentine certificates.Create a magnificent loving memento for display. Our heartwarming personalized Love Certificates framed in long lasting and beautiful wall hangable frame to adore the walls of your home. For an impressive and memorable touch we personalize each certificate with your and your partners names.This elegant certificate in wall hanging frame measures a full 8� tall X 12� wide X � inch deep. The frame is made of sturdy fiber material with a glass protection in front for lifelong memory.To personalise this product please email the names of TO and FROM to [email protected]. Do not forget to mention your order no. in the subject line.
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