Oswald: Flippy The Fish & Other Stories

Oswald: Flippy The Fish & Other Stories

₹ 384.00

Oswald: Flippy The Fish & Other Stories

Product Code: 16713

Product Price : Rs. 384.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Flippy the Fish - When Oswald and Weenie buy their tiny pet fish they have no idea she''s going to turn into a big star...in more ways than one! Autumn Leaves - The obsessively tidy Henry is determined to rake up all the falling leaves from the back garden... A Nice Quiet Picnic - What do you do when you''ve only enough food for three and there are nine people on your picnic? Where there''s a will... Cloud Collecting - Can Oswald achieve his ambition to own a cloud collection?""

""Flippy the Fish - When Oswald and Weenie buy their tiny pet fish they have no idea she''s going to turn into a big star...in more ways than one! Autumn Leaves - The obsessively tidy Henry is determined to rake up all the falling leaves from the back garden... A Nice Quiet Picnic - What do you do when you''ve only enough food for three and there are nine people on your picnic? Where there''s a will... Cloud Collecting - Can Oswald achieve his ambition to own a cloud collection?""

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Oswald: Flippy The Fish & Other Stories Price in India : Rs. 384.00