Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 )

Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 )

₹ 399.00

Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 )

Product Code: 33475

Product Price : Rs. 399.00 as on 14 April 2013

The light metal jewellery and the painted ornaments are sure to be amazing for the fresh big and bold statement. You will love the artwork and style of these lovely pieces. If you have an affinity towards latest celeb trends then these metal artworks are awesome for you.About the Product:Beautiful German silver ring with semi precious stone setting. The ring comes in adjustable ring size.Care for your jewellery:1. Protect your jewellery from getting in direct contact with perfumes deodrants and sweat.2. Apply all lotions make up hair spray etc. first before putting on your jewellery.3. To avoid scratches store in a cloth pouch or in a zip pouch.Please Note:Due to various types of lightings and flash used while photo shoot the color shade of the product may vary. The brightest shade seen is the closest color of the product.

The light metal jewellery and the painted ornaments are sure to be amazing for the fresh big and bold statement. You will love the artwork and style of these lovely pieces. If you have an affinity towards latest celeb trends then these metal artworks are awesome for you.About the Product:Beautiful German silver ring with semi precious stone setting. The ring comes in adjustable ring size.Care for your jewellery:1. Protect your jewellery from getting in direct contact with perfumes deodrants and sweat.2. Apply all lotions make up hair spray etc. first before putting on your jewellery.3. To avoid scratches store in a cloth pouch or in a zip pouch.Please Note:Due to various types of lightings and flash used while photo shoot the color shade of the product may vary. The brightest shade seen is the closest color of the product.

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Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 ) Price in India : Rs. 399.00

  1. Price of Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 ) in the above table are in Indian Rupees.
  2. The latest price of Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 ) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
  3. The Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 ) is available at
  4. The price is valid in all major cities of India including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore,Kolkata ,Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Patna, Indore, Thane, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Agra and Chandigarh. Please check instructions at the specific stores for any deviation.
  5. We are not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  6. Our prices vary regularly. Please keep on checking our site to keep updated of lowest price of Bollywood divas Metal Madness - Oval shaped Red Metallic ring ( Wr35 ).

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