IVY Black Hand Bag (88513_BL)

IVY Black Hand Bag (88513_BL)

₹ 599.00

IVY Black Hand Bag (88513_BL)

Product Code: 33573

Product Price : Rs. 599.00 as on 14 April 2013

Beg borrow or steal it from the gorgeous ladies of silver screens but make sure its there in your wardrobe. The fashion starlets have set the trend of chic and trendy designer handbags with the new collection of Ivy bags. What you need to do is just bag it and become a fashionable diva like them.Description :This adorable classy style handbag features a creamy golden rectangular textured look . It has a zipper pocket on the top a zipper pocket in the bag and one at the partition with zip in the bagDimension :12 x 4 x 9 InchesNote :Sizes above are approx. excluding the handle length.Handle length is approx. 18 Inches

Beg borrow or steal it from the gorgeous ladies of silver screens but make sure its there in your wardrobe. The fashion starlets have set the trend of chic and trendy designer handbags with the new collection of Ivy bags. What you need to do is just bag it and become a fashionable diva like them.Description :This adorable classy style handbag features a creamy golden rectangular textured look . It has a zipper pocket on the top a zipper pocket in the bag and one at the partition with zip in the bagDimension :12 x 4 x 9 InchesNote :Sizes above are approx. excluding the handle length.Handle length is approx. 18 Inches

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IVY Black Hand Bag (88513_BL) Price in India : Rs. 599.00

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  2. The latest price of IVY Black Hand Bag (88513_BL) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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