White Pearl & Emerald Sterling Silver Ring (.925)

White Pearl & Emerald Sterling Silver Ring (.925)

₹ 800.00

White Pearl & Emerald Sterling Silver Ring (.925)

Product Code: 33963

Product Price : Rs. 800.00 as on 14 April 2013

Pure delicate and feminine silver ornaments are becoming ideal for on-screen beauties. The new sleek and innovative collection of silver jewelry ‘Johareez very well accentuates the beauty of women who are elegant and have an understated style. So its time to have the exquisite and contemporary silver pieces for the perfect blend of antique and modern.About The Product:Youthful and pretty this stylized ring is ornamented with a beautiful pearl and a brilliance of emerald. Crafted from .925 sterling silver.Certification: Each Jewellery will come along with ''Authenticity Certificate''Stone Details: Pearl(Drill 0.75mm)-Round/7.00mm(1)+Emerald-Round/1.50mm(1)Gross Weight (Gms.): 2.86Stone Weight (Cts): 2.28Size:US 7

Pure delicate and feminine silver ornaments are becoming ideal for on-screen beauties. The new sleek and innovative collection of silver jewelry ‘Johareez very well accentuates the beauty of women who are elegant and have an understated style. So its time to have the exquisite and contemporary silver pieces for the perfect blend of antique and modern.About The Product:Youthful and pretty this stylized ring is ornamented with a beautiful pearl and a brilliance of emerald. Crafted from .925 sterling silver.Certification: Each Jewellery will come along with ''Authenticity Certificate''Stone Details: Pearl(Drill 0.75mm)-Round/7.00mm(1)+Emerald-Round/1.50mm(1)Gross Weight (Gms.): 2.86Stone Weight (Cts): 2.28Size:US 7

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White Pearl & Emerald Sterling Silver Ring (.925) Price in India : Rs. 800.00

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  2. The latest price of White Pearl & Emerald Sterling Silver Ring (.925) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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