Lux Cozi Genx Gym Vest (Set of 3)

Lux Cozi Genx Gym Vest (Set of 3)

₹ 456.00

Lux Cozi Genx Gym Vest (Set of 3)

Product Code: 42493

Product Price : Rs. 456.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Here comes the secret to the stars comfort and confident level. Not only are the celebs dressed to impress but they give equal importance to the comfort and style with their innerwear. Shahrukh and Sunny Deol prefer the sexy style and high quality fabric from Lux Cozi for their innerwear undershirts gym vests and trunks. If you wish to get the same level of ease just go for the cozy stretchable breathable and tailored fit fabrics form Lux Cozi.Material Type:100% CottonAbout Product:Specially knitted with soft cotton yarnThe contrast shoulder straps colors are an added featureVery popular among young people for the rough and tough look Wear it to the gym pool or beachit will keep you cool all day long""

""Here comes the secret to the stars comfort and confident level. Not only are the celebs dressed to impress but they give equal importance to the comfort and style with their innerwear. Shahrukh and Sunny Deol prefer the sexy style and high quality fabric from Lux Cozi for their innerwear undershirts gym vests and trunks. If you wish to get the same level of ease just go for the cozy stretchable breathable and tailored fit fabrics form Lux Cozi.Material Type:100% CottonAbout Product:Specially knitted with soft cotton yarnThe contrast shoulder straps colors are an added featureVery popular among young people for the rough and tough look Wear it to the gym pool or beachit will keep you cool all day long""

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Lux Cozi Genx Gym Vest (Set of 3) Price in India : Rs. 456.00

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