Product Code: 59
Product Price : Rs. - as on 14 April 2013
A mysterious light strikes through the sky sending down a message to Kalia echoing that whatever he touches would turn into stone. As Kalia realizes that it was just a dream he is surprised to see it become real when everything he touches becomes stone including his minions Dholu and Bholu. How does Bheem stop Kalia from turning people of Dholakpur into statues? Does Bheem become a victim too? This story will take you on a �stony ride till Kalia mends his ways.
A mysterious light strikes through the sky sending down a message to Kalia echoing that whatever he touches would turn into stone. As Kalia realizes that it was just a dream he is surprised to see it become real when everything he touches becomes stone including his minions Dholu and Bholu. How does Bheem stop Kalia from turning people of Dholakpur into statues? Does Bheem become a victim too? This story will take you on a �stony ride till Kalia mends his ways.
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