Ladybird Girls Casual Shoes (2A445 Black)

Ladybird Girls Casual Shoes (2A445 Black)

₹ 659.00

Ladybird Girls Casual Shoes (2A445 Black)

Product Code: 33497

Product Price : Rs. 659.00 as on 14 April 2013

Give your little kiddo some fun and comfy footwear that are perfectly affordable. Dressy casual sporty—you can choose sandals for all her moods. Get colorful pairs of Ladybird sandals to match dresses in her closet too.Get back to basics in this playful yet feminine white sneaker. It features a black canvas upper with multi coloured eye led & fine stitch details to add an extra dose of style. The rubber sole helps for better traction and durability. Team with casuals to look smart.Upper and Sole :Upper :Cushioned insole.Sole :Rubber

Give your little kiddo some fun and comfy footwear that are perfectly affordable. Dressy casual sporty—you can choose sandals for all her moods. Get colorful pairs of Ladybird sandals to match dresses in her closet too.Get back to basics in this playful yet feminine white sneaker. It features a black canvas upper with multi coloured eye led & fine stitch details to add an extra dose of style. The rubber sole helps for better traction and durability. Team with casuals to look smart.Upper and Sole :Upper :Cushioned insole.Sole :Rubber

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Ladybird Girls Casual Shoes (2A445 Black) Price in India : Rs. 659.00

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  2. The latest price of Ladybird Girls Casual Shoes (2A445 Black) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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