Doctor Dolittle

Doctor Dolittle

₹ 339.00

Doctor Dolittle

Product Code: 8919

Product Price : Rs. 339.00 as on 14 April 2013

Get ready for the wildest adventure of a lifetime in the most ambitious musical production ever brought to film. Earning a 1967 Academy Award nomination for Best Picture this dazzling fantasy turns both ordinary and exotic animals into talking dancing and singing sensations! Rex Harrison is unforgettable in this inspiring adaptation of Hugh Lofting''s classic stories.Step into the English country home of the good doctor as he performs remarkable treatments on the wildest variety of patients you could imagine. Discover his secret cures and watch wide-eyed excitement as he and his four-legged fine-feathered friends charm their way into your heart!

Get ready for the wildest adventure of a lifetime in the most ambitious musical production ever brought to film. Earning a 1967 Academy Award nomination for Best Picture this dazzling fantasy turns both ordinary and exotic animals into talking dancing and singing sensations! Rex Harrison is unforgettable in this inspiring adaptation of Hugh Lofting''s classic stories.Step into the English country home of the good doctor as he performs remarkable treatments on the wildest variety of patients you could imagine. Discover his secret cures and watch wide-eyed excitement as he and his four-legged fine-feathered friends charm their way into your heart!

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Doctor Dolittle Price in India : Rs. 339.00

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