Seagate 500 GB External Hard Disk

Seagate 500 GB External Hard Disk

₹ 4,049.85

Seagate 500 GB External Hard Disk

Product Code: 41867

Product Price : Rs. 4,049.85 as on 14 April 2013

""Here comes the easiest quickest and the smartest way to share or transport your digital content. Be it your large files favorite music or countless memorable images; it lets you copy all with more storage capacity. The ultra-portable external drive helps to keep you always on the go with your collection. Just have more fun and entertainment with the sleek and compact hard drive.About Product:Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex is a well featured hard drive that features sync and backup software to offer reliable storage solution. The ultra-portable nature of the external drive helps to keep you always on the go. This 2.5 inch Seagate drive can work with both PCs and Macs.Performance: This Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex external drive has a capacity of 500 GB with a spin seed of 5400 RPM. This hard disk drive has USB 2.0 interface that allows impressive data transfer.This hard drive has 192-bit Triple DES encryption feature that secures data from unauthorized access. For enhanced content management the GoFlex drive comes with Seagate Dashboard management tool that enables you to manage backup schedules file encryption and gage drive statistics with available capacity.The hard drive is crafted with a sleek shiny design casing. The GoFlex hard disk drive has dimensions of 83 x 111 x 14 mm and weighs 150 g that makes it easy to carry.""

""Here comes the easiest quickest and the smartest way to share or transport your digital content. Be it your large files favorite music or countless memorable images; it lets you copy all with more storage capacity. The ultra-portable external drive helps to keep you always on the go with your collection. Just have more fun and entertainment with the sleek and compact hard drive.About Product:Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex is a well featured hard drive that features sync and backup software to offer reliable storage solution. The ultra-portable nature of the external drive helps to keep you always on the go. This 2.5 inch Seagate drive can work with both PCs and Macs.Performance: This Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex external drive has a capacity of 500 GB with a spin seed of 5400 RPM. This hard disk drive has USB 2.0 interface that allows impressive data transfer.This hard drive has 192-bit Triple DES encryption feature that secures data from unauthorized access. For enhanced content management the GoFlex drive comes with Seagate Dashboard management tool that enables you to manage backup schedules file encryption and gage drive statistics with available capacity.The hard drive is crafted with a sleek shiny design casing. The GoFlex hard disk drive has dimensions of 83 x 111 x 14 mm and weighs 150 g that makes it easy to carry.""

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Seagate 500 GB External Hard Disk Price in India : Rs. 4,049.85

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