Freelance Frosted Table Mats 6 Pcs Set (7029 FR)

Freelance Frosted Table Mats 6 Pcs Set (7029 FR)

₹ 385.00

Freelance Frosted Table Mats 6 Pcs Set (7029 FR)

Product Code: 34241

Product Price : Rs. 385.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Welcoming your guests with a lavish feast on your dining table that is carefully and thoughtfully dressed is a great way to make a star statement. Give your table tops a cheery face-lift with these easy- care & sophisticated place mats from Freelance. The ultimate table toppers which are elegant and striking will add fun and style to your occasions and festivals. About Brand : Freelance is in the business of bringing fashion to your home.An extensive range of items for the entire home with a common thread of excellent design and superior quality. Over the years Freelance has earned a reputation for bringing the best in the world to the homes of those who have a discerning eye for quality. The clients include those who do not believe in making compromises and if you share that sentiment we encourage you to participate in the Freelance lifestyle. Product Overview:Sets of 6 Table Mats or Place Mats each decorated with colorful stripes and flower designs.And as soon as you touch the material you know that its easy to care for durable washable usable indoors and out.""

""Welcoming your guests with a lavish feast on your dining table that is carefully and thoughtfully dressed is a great way to make a star statement. Give your table tops a cheery face-lift with these easy- care & sophisticated place mats from Freelance. The ultimate table toppers which are elegant and striking will add fun and style to your occasions and festivals. About Brand : Freelance is in the business of bringing fashion to your home.An extensive range of items for the entire home with a common thread of excellent design and superior quality. Over the years Freelance has earned a reputation for bringing the best in the world to the homes of those who have a discerning eye for quality. The clients include those who do not believe in making compromises and if you share that sentiment we encourage you to participate in the Freelance lifestyle. Product Overview:Sets of 6 Table Mats or Place Mats each decorated with colorful stripes and flower designs.And as soon as you touch the material you know that its easy to care for durable washable usable indoors and out.""

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Freelance Frosted Table Mats 6 Pcs Set (7029 FR) Price in India : Rs. 385.00

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  2. The latest price of Freelance Frosted Table Mats 6 Pcs Set (7029 FR) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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